Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tech Orientation Dress Rehearsal

I enjoyed one of my most gratifying experiences at Mercy High School two weeks, ago.  After school following the last exam on the last day of school the iWizards had their "dress rehearsal" for the August 16, new student tech orientation.  For half a day, the new students will rotate through six 25 minute sessions which will expose them to some of the basic skills and workhorse apps that the iWizards have deemed most important for getting started at Mercy.

The girls rehearsed for two hours, using their Apple TVs, iPads, and projectors.
While they worked out the kinks in their presentations (both delivery and media), they were coached by staff members they had personally invited to join their teams.  

The entire operation involved almost forty students and staff.  Guess what?  We had 100% attendance, even though their peers were fleeing the school after dismissal like a sinking ship!  I knew these folks were devoted to the project, but I was impressed by the commitment to the rehearsal.

This would be a good time to give a shout out to the staff who are being so generous with their time and efforts:

Coaches Angela Harris --  English/Social Studies
Carol Rife-- Fine Arts
Cathy Riley-- Science
Jim Skellett-- Religious Studies
Lauren Bennett-- World Languages/Social Studies
Sara McGavin-- Science
Ann Lusch-- Religious Studies
Christopher Blitz-- Advancement
Susan Smith-- Fine Arts
Colleen Rozman - administration
Tom James -- IT
Gary Bank -- IT

This entire endeavor has been challenging to organize, but the level of dedication by the participants insures that our new students will have a very rich and beneficial experience.

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