Sunday, December 21, 2014

iPad & Napkins

Wow.  I recently passed my six year anniversary of punching out posts to this blog like clockwork. Annually at December's end I take a little break from originality by re-posting the seven most viewed efforts of the year.  I will begin the countdown on Thursday.

I received the following email last Tuesday night from a Mercy teacher:

Subject: 21st Century Education

After school today, there was a Latin play (as in, entirely in Latin) at UM.  I went to see the play, and a few students did as well.  We met up at the Classics Library, but we realized we were all early.  Lest we waste time waiting, we started studying for the Latin exam.

All we had were napkins and my iPad.

Those who know me will understand why this made my day.  Thanks for the note and photo, Lauren Marquard (current Latin teacher and my former Shakespeare student).

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